
Same Shit Different Day!!!

So today I met this guy that I thought was around my age 23 and in college and had goals. He came over to my house not looking anything like the picture I saw... (I can't stand liars.)  this dude looked old as fuck. BUT I just played along with the punks ass dude. But that was just because he had some weed. LMAO! and shid I wanted to smoke. After we finished the blunt I asked him why the fuck did he lie! He tried to make excuses saying that the picture was a picture of his cousin... I DON'T GIVE NO FUCK I WANTED TO TAKE TO THE NIGGA IN THE PICTURE NOT SOME OLD ASS FAGGOT. I smoked his weed then threw his old lame ass outta my house. I'm done with faggots I swear... But he did have some good ass weed though, LOL!!!

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